Mommy’s Baggage

A part of healing is getting to the root. Childhood traumas play a huge role in how we react, process and develop into self. Once we get a good handle on what type of relationships we have or had with our mothers, will unlock many solutions we need to move forward. Dealing with my mommy baggage that of my mother’s and my own as a mother has helped me to transform and recognize I am a work in progress. One thing we have to do is realize just because our mothers handle certain situations in a certain manner does not mean we have to handle them in the same manner.

Childhood traumas

One thing we have to realize is that as little people we look at our mothers as super-heroes. Although some are very close to being such, they are only human. Being able to place empathy at the center of your relationship is key to healing. Once I realized that my mother’s reactions at the time came from a place of her fears, her aspirations, and her dreams I have been able to understand the tremendous pressure and weight that role holds. It is one of the pivotal roles in our development.

This weekend I finally was able to finish watching “Little Fires Everywhere” on Hulu, a must-watch. This series was so brilliant in depicting the role of a mother amongst other gems you can take away from this show. The glaring message is that no matter your social class, race, or economic status the challenges of a mother will cultivate the foundation of the development of self. It is so important that mothers have the support of access to mental and emotional tools that assist them in being the best version of themselves. If not little brushes of fire will ignite our society.


How Empath Are YOU?