Mirror, Mirror…
The power we have within is very often underutilized. Why? Because we are not tapping into our tool of self-awareness. It is the key that will unlock so many things in our lives and take us to the next level. Self-awareness is simply, being aware of our behavior, feelings, and traits.
Astonishingly, so many of us do not know how we are perceived and have a disengaged perception of ourselves. When we are not aligned with who we are, it is extremely hard to navigate life progressively. This is because self-awareness provides us with key elements to enhance all aspects of our lives.
When we have self-awareness, it helps us to live a more fulfilling life.
We can truly be happy and productive. It helps us to improve relationships, strategize improvement, and untimely enhance peace. We all know the saying: “We can’t control what happens”, but we can control how we react to the things we cannot control.
To do so, we must be self-aware. We ultimately determine what will make us sad, angry, or disturbed. We also affect the mindset of those around us. So, we are the solution to what we see flourish in our lives.
How do we promote Self-Awareness?
Play close attention to your thoughts and what triggers your negative responses
Understand how you cope with challenges: negative and or unhealthy responses
Identify and list your strengths and weakness
Obtain trusted feedback
Daily self-reflection
What do we gain when we are Self-Aware?
Improved communication skills
Improved decision-making
Increased confidence
Improved emotion management
Ultimate, overall happiness in all aspects of your life
I remember when I would always look at things as half-empty. Nothing ever seemed right. But I was portraying what I felt on the inside. Once I made a conscious effort to want to be “lighter” is when things changed for me. I focused on “myself”. We have so many things that influence who we think we are from childhood, teen years, and young adulthood, and then, domination of roles, we lose sight of what makes us tick, and it becomes a robotic response.
I know once I decided to look in the mirror and take control of my true self-awareness, fewer things bothered me, I chose what I wanted in my life and did it unapologetically. In doing so I had and continued to have an unwavering and less conditional sense of happiness, even on bad days. Sometimes truly obtaining self-awareness is stripping yourself of all the learned behavior, traditional family responses, and what we see in the world as “normal”.
All we must do is have the courage to look in the mirror and say to that person “I want to Win”!!!
When will I get there? When I…
Prioritize my goals
Practice solitude
Start Journaling
Incorporate self-care rituals
Begin looking in the mirror and being brutally honest with yourself
Improving emotional intelligence
Self-awareness is a tough one. Because sometimes we may not like who we see staring back at us. But what we need to know is that we can change that person into what and who we want to be. So, the first step is awareness the following is change and the result is transformation. Be the solution you want to see in your life.