Confidence Will Change the Game!!!
Confidence is the feeling of being sure about one’s abilities. Feeling sure of yourself, a feeling of being capable. When you are confident others believe in you. Confidence breeds success, it increases your state of happiness.
Many things chip away at our confidence, which makes us vulnerable and susceptible to the feelings of being less than. This affects how we maneuver in life, and really can determine how successful we are. Confidence and self-esteem are not one in the same. Confidence describes how we feel about our ability to achieve things, whereas self-esteem is tied to how we value ourselves.
How do we lose confidence?
1. Often begins when we are children
2. Difficult life challenges
3. Personality
4. Critical self-dialogue
5. Focusing on past mistakes
6. Focusing on things not in your control
7. Emotionally driven and charged
8. Avoiding challenging situations
9. Avoiding socialization
10. Mental/Physical illness
How do I gain confidence?
To break free from the things that dampen your confidence you must acknowledge the things that hold you back from being successful and ultimately happy. Addressing childhood trauma is key to fostering healthy adulthood coping mechanisms. When facing difficult challenges it is key to ask for help and pace yourself in tackling what is in front of you, so that you do not burn out and start to feel hopeless.
Getting to know who you are as a person is key (awareness) so that you can identify what personality traits hold you back. Being emotionally driven is another area that can affect your confidence level, when emotions are high we tend to not think logically and begin to overthink a situation. When we shy away from challenges it does not foster learning and growing, which leaves us to become stagnant and we begin to lack confidence in our abilities.
In not meeting new people or always staying in our comfort zone removes the opportunities for us to meet new people, experience new things that could guide us, and be important resources. Mental and physical illness play a huge role in our confidence, this is why it is so important to see a doctor annually, perform health screenings, and seek mental health counseling when we feel we are not progressing in life and we do not know why.
Addressing all of these things will assist in building confidence. Confidence is like having another skill set, body of work, and or certification in your field.
Confidence will do the following:
1. Attract the right kind of people into your life
2. Will land you that job you dreamed of
3. Help you take action
4. Help you to make sound decisions
5. Manage your time and execute goals
CONFIDENCE is “FEAR’s” Kryptonite
False Evidence Appearing Real
Change the forces in your life and you will truly Change the Game!!!!